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Writer's pictureFrancisco Martinez

Election 2024: Local candidate statements

Tiburon Town Council

Two seats, four candidates


Chuck Hornbrook, challenger


“I have been a Tiburon resident for over seven years, I am a proud husband and dad, and I love our community. Service to this community is a core value. I have been an active member of the Parks, Open Space and Trails Commission, Safe Routes to School, RUSD [Reed Union School District] Safety and Facility committees and a host of other organizations as a ‘can do’ leader and volunteer, focusing on quality of life, safety, infrastructure, the environment and youth sports. Professionally, I am an adviser for clean-energy companies, and have brought my expertise to several key community projects.

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“Two of these projects, the Parks Plan and Tiburon Traffic Study, will be completed within a year. Keeping momentum on these efforts and others including safety, transportation, recreation, town accountability and community engagement requires a Town Council member who has historically demonstrated a willingness to roll up their sleeves and focus on positive outcomes for our community. I believe I am that candidate.


“In summary, running for Town Council and dedicating the time and engagement needed for this position are a natural progression of my commitment to Tiburon. It is important for the community to elect someone to Town Council that you can trust will deliver. I ask for your support.”



Isaac Nikfar, incumbent


“Occupation: Incumbent Tiburon Town Councilmember; athletic director, St. Hilary CYO; sales executive at Adobe.


“Our family was drawn to Tiburon’s beautiful open space, excellent schools and safe community. After 12 years and three children graduating from the Reed Union School District now at Redwood High School, I am ready to give back even more to my community.

“I’ve spent six years (two as chair) of Tiburon’s Parks, Open Space and Trails Commission and now on the Tiburon Town Council working hard to preserve Tiburon’s open space and improve our parks. During COVID-19, I ensured our residents could use our parks and open spaces, as they became critical to improve our quality of life. Most recently, I worked to create the Tiburon Parks Master Plan, revitalize Greenwood Beach, ensure toxic chemicals are not sprayed in our parks and picnic areas, and supported the acquisition of more open space.


“I’ve started the work I promised to preserve Tiburon’s open space and improve our parks, support improving safety, preserving Tiburon’s unique character, reducing traffic, keeping Tiburon fiscally sound, protecting the environment, combating climate change, ensuring emergency preparedness, revitalizing downtown and bringing back family-friendly events, including Friday Nights on Main.


“I respectfully ask for your vote.


“Contact me:”



Holli Thier, incumbent


“Occupation: Incumbent vice mayor, Tiburon Town Council; business owner; attorney.


“Education and qualifications: UC Hastings College of the Law (JD), University of California, Davis (BA).


“Past mayor, current vice mayor, Tiburon Town Council; past president, League of Women Voters; Sierra Club Marin Executive Committee member/former chair; chair, Tiburon Diversity Inclusion Task Force; Parks, Open Space and Trails Commission — created Tiburon’s bicycle, pedestrian, automobile safety plan; Marin Clean Energy; Tiburon Peninsula Traffic Relief Joint Powers Authority; Destination Tiburon; Belvedere-Tiburon Joint Disaster Council; PTA volunteer. Proud mother of two wonderful children, Benjamin and Jaqueline.


“I am known as an elected official who gets things done and my door is always open. As your mayor/councilmember, I’m proud of our accomplishments. I’ve spearheaded the acquisition of new open space, broadband, a new library, helped revitalize downtown, ensured a balanced budget, promoted diversity, supported more community events, and prevented toxic chemicals from being sprayed in our parks/playgrounds. I will collaborate with you to preserve our amazing home, Tiburon. I humbly ask for your support to finish the job.


“Let’s preserve our magnificent open space and Tiburon’s unique character, reduce traffic, keep Tiburon fiscally sound, protect the environment, combat climate change and ensure good emergency preparedness and housing policies. I will always work in Tiburon’s best interests and be transparent in my decision-making. I respectfully ask for your vote. I want to hear from you: or”



Andrew Thompson, challenger


“My focus remains on building a strong community. With my extensive experience and institutional knowledge, I have the skills to address Tiburon’s current challenges: Supporting new families, managing traffic, the state housing mandates, climate change and practicing smart fiscal management.


“I will reestablish my successful Homeowner Association Town Council Summits, proactively addressing issues. Continue my work on parks and trails and review the town’s view ordinance to promote cooperation.


“While this may seem ambitious, my proven track record demonstrates my ability to achieve these goals efficiently and cost-effectively.


“Some examples of my accomplishments for Tiburon: co-chair, No Tax New Town Hall & Police buildings; preserved hundreds of acres of open space; negotiated many of the missing links to the ridge trail; created the solution for the BTCCC [Belvedere-Tiburon Childcare Center] permanent location.


“I also bring significant experience at the county and state level, giving me a greater network and political influence for Tiburon.


“Thank you for your trust in me once again.




Marin Municipal Water District

One seat, three candidates


David Keatley, challenger


“Occupation: Director of Operations.


“Just over two years ago, Marin County nearly ran out of water. While we narrowly averted disaster, we need to do a better job of planning and putting the right steps in motion to protect our community.


“The Marin Municipal Water board must tackle these challenges with fresh eyes and contemporary understanding — owning its responsibility for sustaining a resilient water supply.


“As the father of a young family, I’m aware that the legacy we leave our kids is a critical responsibility. As a business leader, I know the answers are available to us; we know what’s coming. The urgent challenges ahead demand that we plan thoughtfully, think courageously and act intentionally.


“While serving on the Sierra Lakes County Water District board, I discovered that years of short-sighted decision-making, lack of forethought and inadequate funding had left the water infrastructure in poor condition and community vulnerable. I led the effort to make changes which resulted in greater system resilience and community safety.


“I bring experience, passion, creativity and fresh vision to this task. With regional and community engagement and a willingness to listen to new ideas and challenge old assumptions, we can build a strong foundation for a sustainable future.




Dawn Matheson, challenger


“Occupation: Mother, engineer, artist.


“My interests and experience are wide-ranging. I received a bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering and materials science with an additional major in fine art at Duke University. I then studied computer science at UC Berkeley and worked on a NASA astrophysics project until I got my dream job at Industrial Light and Magic in San Rafael. I worked there for 10 years until I had to resign due to family demands. I had special-needs twin boys and a husband who had been disabled by meningitis. One of my sons is autistic and he is now a senior at UCLA. The other is studying computer science at [College of Marin] and working for a local startup.


“I chose the water board mainly because of its persistent lack of diversity; however, the dearth of trained engineers on the board also made it seem like a good fit. I feel driven to understand and solve problems. From my research and brainstorming, I came up with several ideas but I need an insider’s understanding of the constraints of the system before I can determine the ones that would be the best fit for our area. I hope you give me a chance at that perspective.”



Larry L. Russell, incumbent


“Occupation: Water resources engineer.


“Education and qualifications: I have served the interests of Southern Marin for 20 years as a member of the MMWD board.


“As the only board member who is a professional water engineer/water management expert, I bring an essential perspective to keeping your water clean and available. As the only board member to vote against a recent rate increase that was neither equitable nor fair, I’m focused on keeping your water affordable.


“For the past 49 years, I’ve served as a licensed professional engineer in water resources management. I’ve worked around the world on water supply issues, including on the behalf of the victims of Flint, Michigan’s water crisis. I’m frequently brought before regulatory bodies as an expert witness on water engineering best practices.


“I’m dedicated to the district’s conservation efforts — protecting our valued watershed while securing an adequate supply of high-quality drinking water — and meeting our financial challenges with caution and intelligent action.


“Under my leadership, MMWD is doing its part to be a climate-change leader. I helped guide MMWD to finance the Marin Clean Energy’s Deep Green program.


“In this time of significant turnover on the MMWD board, my extensive engineering and water management expertise is needed now more than ever.”



Southern Marin Fire Protection District

Three seats, four candidates


Cathryn A Hilliard, incumbent


“Occupation: Incumbent.


“Education and qualifications: CSEB [Cal State East Bay], UC Berkeley.


“I’m a 30-plus years resident of the district. Fourteen years’ board experience; past president. My son is a firefighter and division chief. I support our outstanding first responders. I’m focused on input from, and the needs of, our residents. While on the board, the district has gained national recognition for excellence, rapid response to medical and fire emergencies and for water, cliff and Golden Gate Bridge rescues. After recent devastating California wildfires, Southern Marin residents’ first concern was to not let it happen here. Voters approved Measure U funding in 2020. I helped foster a robust, active, successful wildfire-prevention program. I also voted not to take the built-in annual 5% tax increase for the past four years; a savings of 20% for taxpayers.


“I serve as the district’s representative on the boards of the Marin Wildfire Prevention Authority (Marin Wildfire) as vice president; Marin Emergency Radio Authority (MERA); and as alternate on LAFCO [Local Agency Formation Commission]. As immediate past president of the Marin Women’s PAC, I’m passionate about diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging (DEIB) recruiting and retaining female and diverse firefighters and supporting women in public service.


“I’m asking for your vote and would deeply appreciate your support.”



Ashley Raveche, incumbent


“Occupation: Appointed president, Southern Marin Fire District; advocate.


“Education and Qualifications: I am the president of the Southern Marin Fire District. Our board has just completed the annexation of Mill Valley Fire, increasing our district residents to 40,000 strong.


“I leaned into the policy work of SMFD out of necessity when my home was issued a non-renewal for fire insurance. Since then, I have been advocating for vegetation management and home hardening efforts completed by our residents to be considered in fire-insurance risk assessments. I am dedicated to protecting our resident’s insurability.


“I am proud of the Neighborhood Response Group program (NRG), which I launched in 2019 from my kitchen table as a commissioner for Mill Valley Emergency Response Commission. The NRG program model has since expanded county-wide with two full-time staff coordinators.


“I continue to include more community voices in resiliency work through the development of a district-wide Strategic Plan, and expanded emergency preparedness for district visitors through the Short-term Rental Guide.


“I ask for your vote for the fire district board to continue initiatives to expand wireless carrier support and increase access to emergency services on school campuses, in neighborhoods and throughout open space.


“Endorsed by Supervisor Stephanie Moulton-Peters, Director(s) Cathryn Hilliard, Cristine Soto DeBerry, Clifford Waldeck, Pete Fleming, Tom Perazzo, Kurt Chung and Councilmember Max Perrey.”



Rich Riechel, challenger


“Occupation: Community volunteer, retired real estate appraiser and student at UC Berkeley.


“Education and qualifications: As a 24-year resident of Mill Valley, I am deeply committed to the safety and well-being of our community. For the past 17 years, I have been actively involved with the Mill Valley Fire Department, serving as a volunteer firefighter, member and president of the nonprofit association. Additionally, I have dedicated 17 years to Marin County Search & Rescue as operations director and 15 years with the Marin County Urban Search & Rescue team.


"These roles have provided me with a unique understanding of the unique challenges our district faces, including wildfire threats, community preparedness and emergency services.


“As a passionate advocate for public safety, I would like to bring my experience to the role of director of the Southern Marin Fire Protection District.


“My commitment to our community will drive my efforts to enhance the district’s capabilities, strengthen community engagement and preparedness and address community concerns.


“I am honored to seek your support in this election and look forward to the opportunity to represent our community’s interests.”



Clifford Waldeck, incumbent


“Occupation: Substitute teacher, former mayor.


“Education and qualifications: Raised in Southern Marin, attended Tamalpais High School and graduated from UC Berkeley. I am blessed with my wife Karyn, daughter Carly and two dogs, Abby and Wrigley.


“I pledge to enhance the readiness and responsiveness of the Southern Marin Fire District while ensuring our community receives the best return for our tax dollars.


“I am committed to reducing fuel load through effective vegetation management and working with stakeholders to ensure continuing home insurance coverage.


“I enjoy helping others, whether as a substitute teacher in our schools, spearheading the Mill Valley Memorial Day Parade or assisting people in navigating governmental regulations and agencies.


“I have served as an elected/appointed official on City Council, regional water board, BCDC [Bay Conservation and Development Commission] and Regional Airport Planning Committee. Recently, Gov. Newsom appointed me to the California Board of Professional Engineers, Land Surveyors and Geologists.


“I look forward to continuing to be an effective liaison between the Southern Marin district and the people, businesses and organizations we serve.


“I humbly ask for one of your votes.


“Clifford Waldeck




Tamalpais Union High School District

Two seats, five candidates


A. Ray Chaudhuri, challenger


No statement available.



Jennifer Holden, challenger


“Occupation: Mother, small business owner.


“As a proud mother of three children, all of whom have attended or are currently attending schools within the district, I understand the challenges and opportunities our students face.


“I have been deeply involved in our public schools for years, volunteering in various capacities since my children were in elementary school. Currently, I am serving my third year as a board member of the Archie Williams High School Falcon Foundation, focusing on securing the resources our students need to thrive.


“My candidacy is grounded in my experience as a dedicated community member and parent. I am passionate about creating and supporting an education system that not only focuses on academic standards but also nurtures critical thinking and intellectual growth for all students. Our schools must be equipped with the necessary resources to support our outstanding teachers and implement programs that meet the diverse needs of all students districtwide, while being fiscally prudent.


“Let’s work hand in hand to build a brighter future for our children and our community. I am honored to have earned endorsements from district parents, community leaders, small business owners, elected officials and others. I humbly ask for your vote. Learn more at”



Amos Klausner, challenger


“As a parent of a high school student, a former school board trustee for the Lagunitas School District, husband to a longtime Marin County public school teacher and current member of the Marin County Committee on School District Reorganization, I understand the issues that impact our school districts, our parent communities and our children.


“My time as a school board trustee coincided with the COVID-19 outbreak. It was challenging for everyone, especially our kids. It required open communication across stakeholder groups and difficult decision making around health and safety, financial accountability and academics. With a public school teacher in the family, I appreciate how hard our teachers work and how important great teachers are to our children’s success.


“As part of a county committee, I listen and respond to the needs of taxpayers. If approved, the current Tamalpais Union High School District bond proposal brings an obligation on the part of administrators and the governing board to assure families and taxpayers that this money is well spent. If elected, I will apply tested leadership experience to the district’s use of bond-proposal monies, as well as the annual budget to assure that every dollar benefits our kids and communities.”



Nicholas Ondrejka , challenger


“Occupation: Business owner, parent.


“Education and qualifications: I grew up and attended public schools in Santa Barbara, California. I earned my bachelor’s degree in European history and Italian studies and my master’s of business administration from the University of Pennsylvania.


“I moved to San Francisco in 1996 and served over 25 years in leadership roles in technology and financial services. With this experience, I will bring a strong focus on fiscal responsibility, technology investments and support for our students, teachers and staff.


“In 2016, my family and I moved to Corte Madera, where my oldest child enrolled at Redwood. In 2018, I was asked to join the district’s Fiscal Advisory Committee, where I learned about the financial aspects and governance of the district. I was honored to receive a Certificate of Appreciation for my service and it inspired me to ultimately seek a board member position.


“In 2023, I started a new property-restoration business serving our community. I have a great passion and focus for learning and education for myself, my family and our community. All three of my children have attended or are attending school in the district. I am committed to striving for the best possible educational opportunities for our local high school students balanced with the needs of our community.”



Ida Times-Green, challenger


“Occupation: Senior program coordinator.


“As a life-long resident of Marin City, a fourth generation Tamalpais High School graduate and former school-board member, I recognize the importance of education.


“Having served eight years as a board trustee with the Sausalito-Marin City School District, I bring a proven track record of building consensus to achieve collaborative outcomes. I work well with others and respect different perspectives. I am goal-oriented and comfortable taking risks.


“I possess a bachelor’s degree in humanities and cultural studies from Dominican University, and a master’s degree in social work from California State University East Bay. My professional experience includes formerly serving as social service case manager with County Behavioral Health & Recovery Services and currently serving as senior program coordinator for County of Marin Health & Human Services.


“As your representative on the Tamalpais Union High School District Board, I will apply my experience in education, student achievement and social services to attain better outcomes for our schools and students. I am deeply committed to improving student achievement, specifically among students of color, and closing the gaps to success for all students.


“Student achievement for all students is obtainable. I look forward to working with you to ensure all students thrive.”


Compiled by Francisco Martinez from Marin Registrar of Voters records.







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