Reed school district to poll voter support for facilities bond
The Reed Union School District will gauge voter support for a potential November 2026 bond measure that would generate funding for facilities upgrades across all three of its campuses.
The district’s board of directors earlier this month authorized Roseville-based financial consultant Capitol PFG to solicit proposals from firms to conduct a survey of district voters, intended to provide the board with data that can help it decide whether to seek a bond and in what amount, plus identify when to place a measure on the ballot.
Cathy Dominico, managing partner at Capitol PFG, said the survey would likely cost $25,000-$30,000. It would be paid for out of the district’s facilities fund, a restricted pot of money kept separate from the general fund, which pays for the district’s day-to-day operations.
Any formal contract with a chosen firm would come back before the board at a future meeting for separate approval.
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