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Strawberry artist rediscovers love of drawing with focus on local birds

Updated: Aug 1

Strawberry artist Richard Laeton’s images of birds he’s seen or heard near his Milland Drive apartment include a barn owl, California scrub jay, rock pigeon, brown creeper, hermit thrush, red-winged blackbird, red crossbill and great-tailed grackle.

Professional artist Richard Laeton spent most of his career as a graphic designer, using his computer to create.


However, in April, he says, he picked up a pencil for the first time in 30 years and once again began to draw, finding inspiration by simply looking out of the windows of his Strawberry apartment.

He spent some time drawing flowers, which weren’t very good, he says. But one night, he heard the call of a great horned owl nearby. It happened to be the same night his neighbor died, he says, and when he researched the bird, he learned that some believe they appear in times of transition.


“I actually connected with this owl, and I felt like this was guiding me to do what I was supposed to do next,” says Laeton, who turns 69 on Aug. 7. “When the owl came and spoke it was so clear to me.”


Over the past couple of months, Laeton has drawn more than 60 birds he’s seen or heard near his Milland Drive apartment, which faces Strawberry Cove and is surrounded by five large trees, while also learning more about the animals and researching the spiritual meanings for each bird he has drawn.

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