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Writer's pictureShayne Jones

Tiburon residents weigh in on traffic and noise issues

A second outbound lane on Tiburon Boulevard approaching the Trestle Glen intersection and a roundabout for the Tiburon Boulevard and Blackfield Drive intersection were among the ideas floated at a virtual workshop covering ways to grow and improve the town’s transportation network and ways to mitigate noise issues.

The March 22 forum was the latest in the series hosted by O’Rourke & Associates, the consulting firm tasked with updating the town’s general plan. The document acts as a 20-year blueprint of the town’s goals, policies and programs on land use, housing, parks and recreation, open space and conservation, transportation and mobility, safety, sea-level rise and, for the first time, sustainability and diversity and inclusion.

The firm hopes to have a draft plan ready for public and town review by the end of this year.

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