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Writer's pictureNaomi Friedland

Tiburon Special Olympian honored for 35 years of service at Safeway

Tiburon resident Patrick Hulsbus bags groceries at the Strawberry Village shopping center Safeway on Feb. 2. Hulsbus was recently honored with the Lifehouse Agency’s personal-achievement award for his 35 years working for the company. (Nick Shorten Jr. / For The Ark)

Tiburon resident Patrick Hulsbus, a Special Olympics medalist who once summited Mount Kilimanjaro, is a familiar face to just about everyone who regularly shops at the Strawberry Village Safeway.


“At least half the customers make the point to come up to him,” says front-end manager Kathy Monge.


With 35 years under his belt, it’s no wonder why.


In November, the 57-year-old Hulsbus was honored with the Lifehouse Agency’s personal-achievement award, which it gives annually to two of the 375 people it serves for going above and beyond to reach a milestone in their lives.


“It takes a real concentration and effort to achieve, and we feel like 35 years of employment is pretty outstanding,” says Ann Elias, the chief development officer for Lifehouse, a Marin-based nonprofit that supports people with developmental disabilities.

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